B Swish Bgood Curve Deluxe

B Swish Bgood Curve Deluxe


The Bgood Deluxe Curve incorporates harmonious curves and a supple, thrillingly textured silicone surface, 6-functions and waterproof velvety touch. The Bgood Deluxe Curve is shaped into a natural curve at the head, which is thick and softly rounded providing full coverage, and can be easily brought into couples play.

The Bgood Deluxe Curve's special designed curve fits a woman's body perfectly. Its waterproof engineering is enhanced by its silky feel and textured sides. Try out all 6-functions to find the pulsation and pressure that is just right for you.

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2 AAA Batteries, Not Included

Diameter 1.37”

Length 7.5”

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B Swish Bgee Classic

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B Swish Bfilled Basic PLUS Plug

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B Swish Bdesired Deluxe Curve

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B Swish Bdesired Deluxe Pearl

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B Swish Bfilled Basic Plug
