B Swish Bgee Classic

B Swish Bgee Classic


B Swish has made finding the G-spot easy with this waterproof, 7" massager. Bgee Classic is smooth to the touch and curved in just the right place, with multiple functions, enabling you to enjoy the ultimate sensation again and again. Be free to explore.

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Requires 2 AAA Batteries, Not Included

Diameter 1”

Length 7”

B Swish Bfilled Basic PLUS Plug A00156-BSwish-BfilledBasicPlusMagenta-MAIN.jpg

B Swish Bfilled Basic PLUS Plug

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B Swish Bdesired Deluxe Pearl

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B Swish BGee Classic Plus

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B Swish Bdesired Deluxe Curve

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B Swish Bgood Curve Deluxe
