Olivia's Boudoir CBD Bath Salts 10oz

Olivia's Boudoir CBD Bath Salts 10oz


Olivia's Boudoir Bath Salts are made from pure Pink Himalayan Salt, Epsom Salt and nutrient-rich Dead Sea Salt, infused with relaxing CBD. These salts a known for their soothing, relaxing and skin softening properties.

Nude allows you to soak in unscented purity. Enjoy by itself, or pair with a favorite Olivia's Boudoir Bubble Bath.

Surrender to the dreamy essences of lavender, rose, tangerine and orange.

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Epsom Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt, CBD Isolates.

CBD Isolates per bottle: 100 mg

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Olivia's Boudoir CBD Massage Candle 7oz

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